Birth of Non Fungible Tokens
Birth of NFTs as an asset class

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time have come. Blockchain technology will completely change how we organise and use data for the betterment of societies. However only one blockchain will emerge as the underlying protocol and this will be Bitcoin SV.
Birth of NFTs as an asset class
Bearwhalecd - The Feasting Of The Bearwhale
Issued : Friday July 24 2015 , Epic card.
In Circulation : 3000 ( Click to see distribution of card holders )
Card Description : The Bearwhale hides deep down in the caves of jewels. From time to time he gets out and pours a great quantity of precious gems, gathered in his gaping mouth.
Artist Impression : Spells Of Genesis artist, portrayed the head of a whale on the body of a bear to represent the bitcoin whale in a bear market. Interestingly the CNN portrait was the reverse. The SOG version looks more interesting and dynamic in my opinion.
This is an epic card with issues locked at 3000 units. Although 3000 is the maximum number in existence. The true number will never be known as like Bitcoin owners may have lost passwords or keys.
Legally Everdream Soft owns the copyright to the image, even though others may own copies of the card. The situation is similar to owning a limited edition copy of a book.
Bearwhalecd is relatively rare but it does mark a very important point in time in Bitcoin history. A true collectors item.
The price of these sought after NFTs are basically decoupled from the price of Bitcoin. Serious crypto holders should hold some as hedge against their crypto holdings.
The Marketplace How Much Is An NFT Worth ? Short article HERE
Bearwhalecd price on the Dex : Counterparty Dex
Open Sea : Opensea
Opensea is the largest peer to peer marketplace for trading digital assets.
Auction : @nftauctions
An auction house is the best place for price discovery. Theo Goodman started his telegram site @nftauctions to do this. Sellers send their items to him on escrow and buyers register to bid. This is a trust based system.
A copy of Bearwhalecd is up for auction on Saturday April 03. This is part of a batch of cards so we will not now how much value is attributed to the Bearwhalecd.
Monday October 6 2014 was a day to remember in Bitcoin History. Bitcoin reached a high of just over $1000 in January and then started a bear market drop to around $320 over the weekend in the beginning of June. Then on Monday morning June 6 a bitcoin whale placed a limit order selling 30,000 Bitcoins @ $300. Never before has such an event happen in Bitcoin history and many feared the death of Bitcoin as been predicted so many times to date.
However over the course of the day and by the evening the whole order was devoured. Prices began to rise after but only to enter into a near 2 year bear market with prices as low as $120.
Strangely we have not had the equivalent Bullwhale depicted even as Bitcoin reaches $60,000!
@NFLAUCTIONS Theo Goodman Telegram Auctions
Theo Goodman started a telegram community @nftauctions where he took it upon himself to auction off any transferable NFTs. It is a simple model based on trust. Sellers send him the NFT to hold in escrow. The successful buyer would send him the money (Btc/Eth) and he would forward on this payment less his commission.
FDCARD was sold for $45,000 at the March 20 2021 auction. This caught the SOG community including Shaban by surprise. This signals that there was indeed a big demand for early NFT cards which was a market that never existed before. Auctions are the best mechanism for price discovery outside of a liquid market.
Prices can still be spoof at an auction by insiders selling among themselves. I made an analysis of the March 20 2021 auction results HERE.
The FDCARD transactions to me looks legit. This will be further verified by future auctions.
Related Articles
Non Fungible Tokens. NFTs. The Ultimate Store Of Value.
How much is an NFT worth ? HERE
Bitcoin Origins - Genesis Card
The Stealing Of Mt Gox - GOXCARD
First Bitcoin Fork - Blocksizecd
FDCARD - The Healing Formula
Issued : Friday March 13 2015 , Legendary card. ( This is the first known NFT card ever issued).
In Circulation : 299 ( Click to see distribution of card holders ) As a legendary card there were 300 issued but a fraction of 1 card was burnt leaving 299 complete cards*.
Card Description : Spells of Genesis and Moonga card
Artist Impression : Spells Of Genesis artist, gives us that AHA moment when a discovery is made! Apt perhaps because so many discoveries were made. Blockchain, Tokenisation, First NFT....
Being a legendary card, only 299 were created. This card is divisible. Although 299 is the maximum number in existence. The true number will never be known as like Bitcoin owners may have lost passwords or keys.
Legally Everdream Soft owns the copyright to the image, even though others may own copies of the card. The situation is similar to owning a limited edition copy of a book.
FDcard is a very rare card. A true collectors item. Like a limited edition copy of the "Mona Lisa" this NFT was issued by Everdream Soft on Friday March 13 2015 to help support protein folding to find cures for cancer and other diseases.
The price of these sought after NFTs are basically decoupled from the price of Bitcoin. Serious crypto holders should hold some as hedge against their crypto holdings.
The Marketplace How Much Is An NFT Worth ? Short article HERE
FDCARD price on the Dex : Counterparty Dex
Open Sea : Opensea
Opensea is the largest peer to peer marketplace for trading digital assets.
Auction : @nftauctions
At the March 20 2021 @nflauctions FDCARD was sold for a record $45,000
An auction house is the best place for price discovery. Theo Goodman started his telegram site @nftauctions to do this. Sellers send their items to him on escrow and buyers register to bid. This is a trust based system.
This was a partnership between Folding Coin and Spells Of Genesis
Folding coin participants earned these FDCARD by merged folding starting in March 2015 until May when all 300 were "mined" and distributed proportionally to the work units completed by participants who ran the Folding at Home model to help find cures for cancer, Alzheimer, diabetes etc
This was the first blockchain card issued by Shaban Shaame under Spells Of Genesis and perhaps the first NFT card ever issued.
“Bitcoin and blockchain is reserved today to a small group of people. One of the reasons is that understanding bitcoin is difficult for mainstream users. The SoG economy will open the bitcoin technology to a large user group who are gamers. By getting digital assets in the game, players will step a foot into the bitcoin economy. They will be able to buy and sell their game assets for bitcoin and slowly learn about decentralized trading. A large part of them might become interested in getting bitcoin in order to buy and sell their digital assets. This way, by giving concrete use of bitcoin, we expect to be a part of cryptocurrency mass adoption,” -- - Shaban Shaame, CEO and Founder of EverdreamSoft
Read The Article : HERE
FDCARD was sold for $45,000 at the March 20 2021 auction. This caught the SOG community including Shaban by surprise. A day before an FDCARD actually sold on the Counterparty dispenser for $20,000. Of course price discovery is better gauged at an auction.
Prices can still be spoof at an auction by insiders selling among themselves. I made an analysis of the March 20 2021 auction results HERE.
The FDCARD transactions to me looks legit. This will be further verified by future auctions.
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Non Fungible Tokens. NFTs. The Ultimate Store Of Value.
How much is an NFT worth ? HERE
Other Cards
Bitcoin Origins - Genesis Card
The Stealing Of Mt Gox - GOXCARD
First Bitcoin Fork - Blocksizecd
The Immitator Satoshilite
BLOCKSIZECD - The Battle For Blocksize
Issued : Thursday August 26 2015 , Legendary card
In Circulation : 300 ( Click to see distribution of card holders )
Card Description : Politics in Askian are complex, decisions require consensus. The stakes for mountain miners and residents are high, thus creating friction within the community.
Artist Impression : Spells Of Genesis artist, painted an allegoric representation of the main characters around a table arguing over Big Blocks and Small Blocks.
Being a legendary card, only 300 were created. This card is indivisible. Although 300 is the maximum number in existence. The true number will never be known as like Bitcoin owners may have lost passwords or keys. Even Shaban the founder of Everdream Soft and Spells of Genesis personally only holds 2 copies 1 of which he is putting up for auction.
Legally Everdream Soft owns the copyright to the image, even though others may own copies of the card. The situation is similar to owning a limited edition copy of a book.
Blocksizecd is a very rare card. A true collectors item. Like a limited edition copy of the "Mona Lisa" this NFT was issued by Everdream Soft on Thursday August 26 2015 to chronicle the bitter dispute over many years until it resulted in the split into BTC and Bitcoin Cash.
The price of these sought after NFTs are basically decoupled from the price of Bitcoin. Serious crypto holders should hold some as hedge against their crypto holdings.
Shaban : This card has a special meaning for me. It represents the battle for bitcoin blocksize that eventually led to the chain split between bitcoin and bitcoin cash. The picture depict allegorically some of the famous people of the bitcoin scene at that time.
When I posted this card on reddit I got shadow banned from r/bitcoin reddit where the policy was to ban any post mentioning blocksize. This card is a witness of that incredible time and is loaded with memories.
The allegoric characters are
Big Blocks
Jesus like Figure standing up - Roger Ver
Orange Cloak - Eric Voorhees
Back towards us - Gavin Andresen
Small Blocks
Standing Up - Gregory Maxwell
Hands Folded in blue - Adam Beck
Lady in blue - Perianne Boring
The Marketplace How Much Is An NFT Worth ? Short article HERE
Blocksizecd price on the Dex : Counterparty Dex
Open Sea : Opensea
Opensea is the largest peer to peer marketplace for trading digital assets.
Auction : @nftauctions
An auction house is the best place for price discovery. Theo Goodman started his telegram site @nftauctions to do this. Sellers send their items to him on escrow and buyers register to bid. This is a trust based system.
Blockchain History
When Bitcoin was created the blocksize was unlimited. In order to protect against denial of service attack, Hal Finney in late 2009, with the reluctant consent of Satoshi and Mike Hearn set a block limit of 1MB. This was done on the understanding that it was temporary and would be removed later to allow Bitcoin to scale. A fact that was confirmed by Mike Hearn.
Around 2012, as Bitcoin adoption grew, talk started surfacing on increasing the blocksize. This soon led to full blown flame wars between the Big and Small blockers. Roger Ver led the big block campaign and was the target of much hate from the small block community. The small block supporters had the advantage because they gain control of Bitcoin source code.
The argument against was that big blocks could not propagate across all nodes fast enough for decentralisation. Luke Jr even proposed decreasing it to 400 bytes. Gregory Maxwell wanted it to run on his raspberry PI.
To get a feel of what it was like have a look at this video although Roger Ver was the only person supporting big blocks here
BTC developers proposed Segwit as a conciliatory means to increase the blocksize and solve Bitcoin's malleability problem at the same time. This was a step too far for the big blockers as according to them, it destroys the fundamental property that Bitcoin is an unbroken chain of signatures.
To avoid Segwit On 01 August at block 478559 Bitcoin split into BTC ( Bitcoin) with 1MB transaction blocks and BCH ( Bitcoin Cash ) with 8MB transaction blocks.
Even after that the attacks continued. It was a very divisive time fought on all media and scars remain to this day.
Bitcoincd card above referred to this first Bitcoin split into BTC and BCH. BCH would later again split into BCH and BSV.
These articles chronicle much of what happened in the early days of Bitcoin.
Resolution of big block experiment Lucas Nuzzi
Coingeek Article - Bitcoin History Part 1
Coingeek Article - Bitcoin History Part 2
Related Articles
Non Fungible Tokens. NFTs. The Ultimate Store Of Value.
How much is an NFT worth analysis of 3/20/2021 @nftauctions? HERE
Other Cards
Bitcoin Origins - Genesis Card
The Stealing Of Mt Gox - GOXCARD
The Immitator Satoshilite
Issued : Wednesday October 08 2015 , Epic card
In Circulation : 1200
Card Description : It is said that Mountain Gox, one of Askian's richest in crystals and gems, was robbed of all its treasures by one man. The miners lost their jobs and, in their anger, publicly humiliated their leaders. The wealth of the mountain was never traced back.
Spells Of Genesis artist, conjured up the image of a wizard stealing treasures from a mountain.
In total 1200 cards were created. This card is indivisible. Although 1200 cards is the maximum number in existence. The true number will never be known as like Bitcoin owners may have lost passwords or keys.
Legally Everdream Soft owns the copyright to the image, even though others may own copies of the card. The situation is similar to owning a limited edition copy of a book.
The Goxcard is a collectors item. Like a limited edition copy of the "Mona Lisa" this NFT was issued by Everdream Soft on Wednesday October 08 2015 to chronicle the downfall of the biggest and earliest Bitcoin exchange at that time.
Back Story : Shaban says that though the hack became public in 2014, this was one of the card that was issued long after the event. According to Shaban the image of a wizard stealing treasures hidden in a mountain was in his mind when it happened.
The Marketplace How Much Is An NFT Worth ? Short article HERE
Goxcard price on the Dex : Counterparty Dex
Goxcard on Open Sea : Opensea
The best place for price discovery is the live auctions by Theo Goodman NFTAUCTIONS
What can an NFT be used for ?
1) Commemorate an event
2) Represent a digital artwork
3) Copyright ownership of an artwork
4) Ticketing access to clubs, events and such
5) Prestige of ownership if disclosed
6) Store of value
7) It is not a cryptocurrency
Store of value depends on all the attributes above and more perhaps. An NFT Card has only X number of copies in existence. It is of value to the people who played a part in the event. Gox card represents such an event.
A card like the Genesis Card represents the birth of Bitcoin and thus will have wide interest even to people not particularly interested in Cryptocurrencies.
A card like Satoshicard was the apex card even among SOG enthusiast then. The fact that it depicted a mysterious like character " Yoda Like " makes it even more appealing even if we eventually agree on who Satoshi really is.
It is not a cryptocurrency and this is important. Blockchains are always increasing and decreasing in value. Even if the price of BTC collapses a quality NFT will hold its' value. This is important for those holding crypto to hedge their risk of ownership.
This market is huge and this fact has not really sunk in. FDCARD sold for $45,000 and by extension total FDCARD value is $13.50 million. This places it at no 845 ( Coin Gecko) by market capitalisation, and it is only 1 Card in the SOG stable. Clearly this is a new asset class and deserves a ranking category all on its' own.
Blockchain History
A parody of Mark Karpeles giving an account events.
No Seriously !!
Jeb McCaleb bought the domain Magic The Gathering Online Exchange in 2007, Mt Gox for short and used it to trade game cards. In 2009 he converted it to trade Bitcoin. He then sold it to Mark Karpeles in 2011. Mt Gox went on to become the largest crypto trading platform accounting for as much as 80% of all trades until its' bankruptcy in 2014.
At that time when nearly everybody who was dabbling in crypto was trading on MT GOX, you can imagine how angry the community was. Not only were Bitcoiners hit in the pocket but they were the laughing stock and set back Bitcoin adoption.
The mantra after this event was "Never leave your assets on an exchange" "Not your keys, Not your Bitcoins." Of course other exchanges were also hacked after Mt Gox but MT GOX was the poster child and this SOG GOXCARD "The stealing of Mt Gox" marks the event for posterity.
Solving the mystery of Bitcoin's biggest disaster
Mark Karpeles apology
How The Story Unfolds
2007 - Magic The Gathering Online Trading (Mt Gox) founded by Jeb McCaleb
2009 - MT Gox exchange change over from trading game cards to trading crypto currencies
2011 - Mt Gox sold to Mark Karpelles
2014 - Mt Gox Bankruptcy
This article in Buybitcoinworld by Jordan Tuwiner gives a fairly complete account of the MT GOX hack. ( MT GOX HACK ) ( Mt Gox Demise )
Developments Since Bankruptcy
February 2021 : Creditors to vote on draft resolution at creditors meeting 20 October 2021
February 26 2021 : Danny Brewster sues Craig Wright to hold safe funds in wallet 1Feex.. if he does have control over wallet
Related Articles
Non Fungible Tokens. NFTs. The Ultimate Store Of Value.
Other Cards
Bitcoin Origins - Genesis Card
First Bitcoin Fork - Blocksizecd
The Immitator Satoshilite
Since this is a question we are all wanting an answer to, I decided to revisit the FDCARD auction as it fetch the highest price and had the most activity.
Why does an NXT have any value at all? I think for NXT it is just a new phenomenon. Value in the crypto sphere is moving into this space, spearheaded by the mainstream cashing in creating NFT to make and store value.
Why the early SOG Cards have commanded so much value must be because some were created documenting and marking events in Bitcoin history. They were the first and that's what counts. They are also valuable because they are rare. Very Rare.
Back to the auction
zaafar opening bid 5K
mysterious aesthetic Entered 10K
xcer Entered 11.111K Exit 20K
rob Entered 12K Exit 26K
dave Entered 12.5K Exit 20K
@eltoso Entered 15K Won
got it all offalik Entered 26.5K Exit 43K
white rabbit Entered 36K Exit 44K
Fredrick Entered 37k
Bidding after 40K went as such :
@eltoso 40K
white rabbit 41
@ eltoso 42K
got it offalik 43K
white rabbit 44K
@eltoso 45K
Bitcoin Origins - Genesis Card
The Stealing Of Mt Gox - GOXCARD
First Bitcoin Fork - Blocksizecd
The Immitator Satoshilite