Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Countdown To The Real Bitcoin

From the beginning we were one community pushing the Bitcoin message to anyone who would listen. Enduring the continuous flow of bad news, disappointments and barrages of ridicule from mainstream experts continually predicting Bitcoin demise. Then came 3 years of bitter infighting ridiculously over a  block size increase, which essentially is a battle for the "spirit and soul" of Bitcoin. 

After the Bitcoin Cash hard fork on 1 August and with another upcoming hard fork, Segwit2X, we are in the midst of the most exciting and interesting period in Bitcoin history, and with interesting times, opportunities abound. Fortunes will be made and lost. With that in mind let us drill down for a closer look.

Blockchains containing the genesis block.

There have been many alt coins cloned and inspired, from Bitcoin in the past, but Bitcoin Cash, Segwit2X and Segwit1X are the blockchains that contain the genesis block and share the same hashing algorithm. It is for this reason that any of these three can claim to be "The Real Bitcoin". This outcome will be determined by widespread use and adoption, and the metric to track this is transaction volume, because in the long run, transaction fees will replace block rewards.

Bitcoin Gold does not belong to this class, as it does not have a clear raison d'etre and does not share the same hashing algorithm. It will struggle to get adoption even as it tries to use the huge Bitcoin user base for token distribution. This project will be stillborn, destined to be a footnote in Bitcoin history. If anything it will highlight how difficult the process is to successfully launch a new coin.

Wealth transfer.

The upcoming Segwit2X hardfork will be one of the greatest "shake out" and crypto wealth transfer in Bitcoin history. Entrench stakeholders will, pick a wrong side, make a wrong decision, and win or lose a fortune. The crypto wealth landscape will again change and there will be three distinct phases.

The first phase was the Bitcoin Cash hard fork. The decision was easy then. All you needed to do was hold and you would have increased your total wealth, as BTC and BCH together had a valuation higher than before the fork.

This upcoming Segwit2X hardfork will be the second phase. Many will sell Segwit1/2X out of pure sentiment, ideology, and misleading or incomplete information. However this time if Segwit2X survives, Segwit1X will succumb to the chain death spiral and vise versa. Pick the wrong fork and you will lose all your money. If Segwit1X survives by hardforking to a different proof of work, it is no longer Bitcoin.

Do nothing and you will be safe for a little while, until phase three which is the struggle between Bitcoin Cash and Segwit. This will come down to adoption and useability which will be reflected in transaction volume.

Bitcoin Cash and Segwit2X.

Ultimately Segwit is the difference between the two chains as Segwit1/2X can also increase blocksize. What then determines adoption and useability?

Bitcoin introduces the notion of triple entry accounting. The payer, the payee and the blockchain. Any two of these records can validate a transaction. We are looking to a time, beginning perhaps five years hence, when all commercial transactions are conducted and recorded in bitcoin instead of fiat. The key word here is "commercial". Yes. it is businesses that will account for the overwhelming majority of all bitcoin transactions. Legitimate businesses need transparency and be as open or as private as the Bitcoin protocol allow. Legitimate businesses will need to have the functionality to track and trace all their "open and public" transactions.

Segwit and small blocks introduces legal and transaction cost (high fees) issues which will preclude its' use as a transactional currency for businesses. The lightning network is not suitable for recording business transactions as those transactions are off-chain and not traceable.

Bitcoin Cash on the other hand retains the original design of Bitcoin and with Gigabyte blocks, can scale on-chain with low transaction fees. A business transaction will comprise of 

1. a signature of the transaction
2. a hash of the source document 
3. a value of the transaction

With this data structure as the building block, a new accounting system will evolve that can be as open as required or as private as needed and anywhere in-between. 

Bitcoin will truly revolutionize business accounting as it introduces new concepts of open audit and real time accounting. Coupled with decentralised autonomous corporations and atomic swaps, new forms of economic entities will emerge.

The upcoming hardfork. 

If there was consensus Segwit2X will just assume the BTC name after the fork and the process will be smooth and seamless. We assumed that all interested users will upgrade to the latest version of the software. Let us examine the process in the absence of consensus.


1.0 Miners choose to mine Segwit1X or Segwit2X. 

1.1 Are 100% of miners mining Segwit2X. If Yes, Goto 3.0

2.0 Compete for hashpower. 

2.1 Does Segwit2X have 100% hashing power. If Yes Goto 3.0
2.2 Does Segwit1X have 100% hashing power. If Yes Goto 4.0
2.3 Goto 2.0

3.0 Segwit2X is the real bitcoin. End

4.0 Segwit1X is the real bitcoin. End

Losing chain will undergo chain death spiral and cease to exist.


Each BTC = BT1 (Segwit1X) + BT2 (Segwit2x) and will be traded as such. It is neither BT1 or BT2. New trading pairs of BTC/BT1 and BTC/BT2 will be introduced. This situation will continue until the winner of the hashrate war resolves the issue.

Update: Bitfinex and Coinbase will trade BX1 as BTC until situation is resolved. Miners will mine the most profitable coin. Will be interesting to see which is more profitable. 

If the price on Bitfinex is right, then Segwit1X will be the expected winner. However if Segwit2X does gets the majority of hashing power the situation will get interesting.  Miners with 85% hashrate are signalling Segwit2X but they have not confirmed their intentions.

Before Segwit activation in August, Segwit1X could never get more than 40% miners support. This may mean that there is at least 60% hardcore Segwit2x miners support. 

Competition for hashing power

Miners compete based on sentiment, ideology and profit. Profit calculus is now based on the price of BT1 or BT2 and the price of BT1 and BT2 will be related to hashing power rather than sentiment or ideology. The BTC traded on exchanges is BT1+BT2 and is neutral.

Nodes are not part of this equation. This is how Bitcoin was designed. The protocol pays the miners (and only the miners) for securing the network. The miners should only be loyal to their paymaster which is the Bitcoin protocol, and no one else. Anyone can participate in this process. Anyone can be a miner.


Currently hashrate signalling favours Segwit2X. If so the price of BT2 will be higher than BT1 possibly in the ratio of their hashing power. However the price of BT2 futures is 1/5 of BT1. There is a disconnect between signalling intentions and expected outcomes. Either the futures market is not representative of all participants or the signalling is false.

The standard argument is that hashrate follows price. In this case the price of  BTC = BT1 + BT2. Segwit1X supporters were advocating that the price of BTC is the price of Segwit1X because it was that before the fork. This argument is not supported by the exchanges. Most have and will choose to remain neutral and let the market decide.

If Segwit1X fails, Litecoin will benefit as some Core developers will move to work with segwit on Litecoin. If Segwit2X succeeds unless the Core developers responsible for Segwit supports it, it will be a less than optimal blockchain divorced from its' original developers. 

In the long run Bitcoin must be able to handle trillions of transactions a day. All the transactions in the world currently using fiat. Segwit and small blocks preclude this from happening and while lightning may be useful for streaming micro payments it is not suitable for recording transactions.

Please note :-  These are my views and are not investment advise. Analysis are usually based on incomplete information. Trading and investment in Bitcoin is risky. Even if the analysis is correct the execution can be faulty. Use Caution.

Signatories to the NYA agreement.


ANX (Hong Kong)
Bitex (Argentina)
bitFlyer (Japan)
Bitso (Mexico)
BTCC (China) (China)
Coinbase (United States) (Phillipines)
CryptoFacilities (UK)
Korbit (South Korea)
Safello (Sweden)
SFOX (United States)
ShapeShift (Switzerland)


1Hash (China) (St. Kitts & Nevis)
Bitfury (United States)
Bitmain (China) (China)
Genesis Mining (Hong Kong)
ViaBTC (China)


Abra (United States) (St. Kitts & Nevis)
BitPay (United States)
BitPesa (Kenya) (UK) (China)
Circle (United States)
Coinbase (United States) (Phillipines)
GoCoin (Isle of Man)
Jaxx (Canada)
Luno (Singapore)
Ripio (Argentina)
Unocoin (India)
Xapo (United States)

OTHER /Chandler Guo (China)
BitClub Network (Hong Kong)
Bloq (United States)
Civic (United States)
Decentral (Canada)
Digital Currency Group (United States)
Filament (United States)
Genesis Global Trading (United States)
Grayscale Investments (United States)
MONI (Finland)
OB1 (United States)
Netki (United States)
Purse (United States)
Veem (United States)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Charlie Lee on how Coinbase and other exchanges will handle the Segwit2X hardfork - Debunked.

I’ve been asked multiple times how I think Coinbase (and other exchanges) will handle the Segwit2x hardfork in November. For background, although I’m no longer working at Coinbase, I was previously Director of Engineer at Coinbase and led the GDAX team, and I still give Coinbase advice. This is how I think this 2x hardfork will play out…
With the ETC and BCH hardforks, it was clear that those 2 coins will be the minority fork, so it was safe to use a wait-and-see approach. So Coinbase didn’t support those forks initially. And only if there was traction on those forks, would Coinbase spend the time and resources to support those forks and let people access their coins on the minority chain. That is what Coinbase did with both ETC and BCH hard forks.
For the 2x hardfork, things are a bit more tricky. 2x is supposed to be an upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol. What that means is that ideally everyone should upgrade to the 2x code before the hardfork and the hardfork will just happen and everyone would just switch to the new chain and no one would be on the old chain. 

Exactly how it should happen. All signatories to the NYA agreement that is, the miners, exchanges, wallet providers and users would have upgraded to btc1, within the 3 months notice given. Anyone still on the old chain after the fork will be on their own. They are forced to upgrade to be compatible. That is how Bitcoin is designed to work.

This only works if everyone did this. Because this is a hardfork, if not everyone upgrades, then there will be 2 chains. The supporters of 2x and the NYA agreement believe that if all the mining hashrate switches over to the 2x chain, the original chain will be dead and no one would use it. But how is that different than fiat currency, where miners decide (by fiat) that your old bills are no longer valid? 

I think he has lost the plot here. The reference to fiat is irrelevant and makes no sense. 

Thankfully, Bitcoin doesn’t work this way. It’s the people who use the coin that gives it value, and miners will mine the coin that makes them the most money. And right now, pretty much all the Bitcoin Core developers and a large part of the community including a lot of prominent figures in this space have come out against this hardfork. 

No. Bitcoin is designed to work that way, and No it is mainly the core developers and alot less of the prominent figures that are against the hard fork. More interested parties than not signed the NYA agreement. 

Because this 2x hardfork is so contentious, Coinbase cannot handle it the same way they handled the ETC and BCH hardfork. In other words, they can’t just choose one fork and ignore the other fork. Choosing to support only one fork (whichever that is) would cause a lot of confusion for users and open them up to lawsuits. So Coinbase is forced to support both forks at the time of the hardfork and need to let the market decide which is the real Bitcoin. 

No. They already have experience on how to handle a hard fork and they will be repeating it. There are no laws that can compel anybody to support a version of software that they have upgraded and superseded. You certainly can't sue Microsoft for not supporting Windows XT or 7 and besides Bitcoin is open source.

Now the question is which fork will retain the “BTC” and “Bitcoin” moniker and which will be listed as something separate. Although Coinbase signed the NYA agreement, I do not believe that this agreement binds them in any way with respect to how to name the separate forks. For practical reasons, the BTC symbol belongs to the incumbent, which is the original chain. This is because there will be no disruption to people who are running Bitcoin Core software and depositing/withdrawing BTC to/from Coinbase and GDAX. And only if you trade the coin on the 2x fork, would you need to download and run the BTC1 Segwit2x client.

No. Everything just carries on. There is no disruption. The user should not notice any difference. They will keep sending Btc and receive Btc. Nothing changes. There is nothing for users to do except to keep using Btc the way they have always done.

If the market really supports this Segwit2x upgrade, that coin will trade at a higher price. And then we will all agree which is Bitcoin and which is a minority fork. There will be no contention at that point.

Total rubbish. There is no rule to say that a coin that trade at a higher price should be Bitcoin. There was speculation that the coin with the longest chain should be Bitcoin and as we have seen that this is not true. We now think that the coin with the most work done is Bitcoin, but even this may not be the case. The truth is that Bitcoin is the coin that everybody agrees is Bitcoin. It just resolves itself.  Nothing else matter. It is the same with accepting Bitcoin as money. There is no need to prove before use. It just happens.

This is the advice I have given to Coinbase and I expect Coinbase and other exchanges to handle this Segwit2x hardfork in this way.

I thought advisors give their advise under confidentiality agreements, unless it is unsolicited advise.

This is what will happen.

On the day of the fork at block 494784 these are the possible scenarios.

1) All the signatories to the NYA agreement have upgraded to btc1 and Segwit2X becomes BTC.

2) The signatories to the NYA agreement do not upgrade, in which case Segwit1X remains BTC.

3) Some of the signatories upgrade, and this is the most likely scenario. We won't know which is the preferred coin until after the first block is mined and confirmed. We will then see the Chain Death Spiral come into play. None of these two chains have Emergency Difficulty Adjustment protection and so one will come to a grinding halt.

If it is Segwit1X it will most likely be forked off with a different proof of work and replay protection. It will have to undergo the same process that Bitcoin Cash went through. Segwit1X coin will have to be submitted to exchanges to determine its' value. Coin splitting will come after. Not before it has proven itself to be a viable and valuable coin.

If it is Segwit2X, then it will most probably be abandoned.

Exchanges may stop all deposits and withdrawal until this is resolved. Thereafter it is business as usual.

4) While all this is happening Bitcoin Cash is still in the mix complicating matters. It could conceivably be the most profitable coin to mine and starve both chain off mining hashrate. A protracted and drawn out tussle between Segwit1X and Segwit2X may lead to greater use of Bitcoin Cash for bitcoin transactions. More likely than not this will be resolved very quickly.

5) What of Bitcoin Gold? Nothing. It will have to go through the same process. Submit their token to exchanges to determine value.

6) Recently the price of bitcoin have risen sharply and altcoins have taken a beating. This is due to people selling altcoins and buying into bitcoin hoping to own 2 coins after the split. Many believe that the two bitcoins will have a higher valuation than before the split.

They will be disappointed. After the hard fork, the only difference between the 2 coins is 1MB and 2MB. If 1MB wins nothing changes and there won't be a second coin. If 2MB wins 1MB must fork off with a different proof of work, and the only reason to support such a chain is to support the developers. It is unclear if the Core developers will even be interested to work on this chain. Others may come forward to volunteer their efforts but it is unlikely to make any headway without a clear point of difference and a roadmap.

7) If 2MB wins and the whole Core team rage quit, will Segwit be relevant? Who will continue development? If segwit becomes irrelevant  what becomes of Segwit2X? Of course the best outcome is for the Core team to swallow their pride and move to 2MB. However this won't happen because it was never about bitcoin or the community. It was about control of the community through Bitcoin.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Real Bitcoin - It Is A Matter Of Trust !

As human beings we place value on our possessions, our feelings, our relationships. To measure, transfer and store this value, we invented money. However, every iteration of money through the ages, from shells to paper fiat, have depended on trust. This trust on physical items or trusted parties have been and will always be compromised and/or betrayed.

On January 3rd 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, gifted us Bitcoin, and it turned out to be the most perfect form of money ever invented. It is completely trustless, with built in checks and balances, so that no faction can successfully capture the system.

a) The protocol pays for itself, with predictable issuance of new coins and transaction fees which miners fight to win through a brutally competitive proof of work mechanism.

b) Developers maintain and improve different implementations of the protocol with different properties that their followers find useful, which they can then profit from.

c) Users give Bitcoin its' value, build and support the infrastructure to measure, transfer and store this value.

The system is trustless and perfect, and because it is trustless, different groups invariably strive to introduce trust for their own purposes.

Protocol Capture

The first and smallest group are the developers. They are the gurus, the gatekeepers and they will attempt to make theirs the only gate through which everyone must pass. To do this they will use every means of control including persuasion, threats, misinformation and censorship. This in itself is not bad and to be expected. However if a developer group becomes too powerful and tyrannical, users and miners and other developers will bypass them.

The second group are the miners. They strive to accumulate as much mining power as possible but are constrained by the fact that if they gain too much power, Bitcoin becomes less valuable. However, before that can even happen the developers and users will curtail their power.

The system is immune to coercion from all unfriendly entities including governments.

The mechanism by which the system corrects and protects itself is the Hardfork.

Hardforks and Softforks

Softforks are an integral part of the system. It is a simple, noiseless and non consensual way to introduce changes into the protocol. However if the process is pushed too far by introducing unwanted and unacceptable changes that users reject, the system corrects itself with a Hardfork.

A hardfork presents a decision point to the users, which is all of us including miners and developers. It is a noisy process but the result is that the fork that users want to use becomes The Real Bitcoin, because it is we the users that give Bitcoin its' value.

Centralisation and Decentralisation

Every fraction seeks to introduce some level of centralisation and trust into the system from which they can profit and extract value. There has been much talk against centralisation and campaign for full de-centralisation by the very groups that surreptitiously use centralisation to push their agenda.

Total decentralisation while being the ultimate is not achievable. Good enough decentralisation to keep the system in check will do, and if the system gets out of balance it will be corrected by a Hardfork.

Proof Of Work and Proof Of Stake

It comes down to which system delivers less trust. Proof of work is totally democratic. Anyone can participate. They can choose to mine directly with their own miners or mine in the cloud, and the entry cost of cloud mining is very low indeed. This gives everybody who wishes, a chance to get access to bitcoins by purchasing it or mining for it. Over time bitcoin will be widely distributed.

Proof of Stake on the other hand favors the rich. Only the rich can afford to stake their tokens. Over time this system guarantees that wealth gets concentrated in the hands of a few. Tinkering with the Proof of Stake algorithms only seeks to make the system less subject to being gamed. It can never fix the problem of wealth distribution and concentration of power in the hands of the few.

Proof of stake also removes the third leg of the check and balance process. By removing the miners the system is rigged on the side of wealthy token holders and developers. This is a fundamental weakness that over time, will collapse the system from within.

Bitcoin is not a fraud

A fraudulent system requires trust. Unsuspecting victims are enticed to trust the system, and the fraudsters profit by breaking that trust. Bitcoin is totally trustless. You do not have to trust anybody. Not even Satoshi.

Segwit introduces trust

Bitcoin is a continuous verifiable chain of signatures. Addresses and signatures are always available for verification because a large number of participants will keep the full copy of the blockchain as their businesses depend on it.

With Segwit the signature is separated and there is no requirement for nodes to keep the chain of addresses after verification. This will result in the introduction of trusted super nodes that hold the full signature block.  These trusted super nodes can then extract fees for providing access.


Bitcoin is pseudonymous and not anonymous. This is not desirable but it is something that the authorities can live with. Some users will want transparency, some will want privacy while others will want complete anonymity. Bitcoin can be tailored to fit all users. Total anonymity from the outset will only invite regulatory pressure and slow down the process of bitcoin adoption.

The Real Bitcoin

There can only be one Bitcoin. It is the one that has the most number of users, the most developers, the strongest security, the largest infrastructure, and above all the least trust.


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Segwit1X, Segwit2X or Bitcoin Cash ? Going Forward.

23 May 2017, Barry Silbert, CEO of Digital Currency Group successfully led a consortium of business leaders, to ratify the Hong Kong agreement. This Segwit2X proposal, moved the scaling issue forward. 

The first Segwit2X block will be produced around November 16 and miners will start mining on top of this block. This will inevitably kicking off the next Bitcoin hard fork round with even more drama than the last. The scramble for hashrate will be between Bitcoin Cash, Segwit2X ans Segwit1X.

Segwit2X has 95% miners support, and should be "The Bicoin" after the fork at block 494784. Since f2pool will support Segwit1X, it will at least have15% mining support. However successfully forking a Bitcoin chain is very difficult. It has to survive the Chain Death Spiral and make it to the next 2016 blocks difficulty adjustment. In all probability Segwit1X may hardfork away, if Core can't persuade miners to abandon Segwit2X. 

Core supporters know this and so, from now until 16 November they will be campaigning hard against Segwit2x. The latest release of Core 0.15 nodes does not recognise nodes running btc1. This does not achieve much because just 2 btc1 nodes will be enough for the chain to propagate. This is a "life and death" struggle for control of the main Github repository. If Segwit2X wins it will be BTC1 and if Segwit1X wins it will be Core.

Segwit (1X or 2X)  and Bitcoin Cash - The Next Battle

The final battle for the Bitcoin brand will be between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Segwit. This issue will be settled over which protocol has the better scaling solution. 

Currently the BTC blockchain can handle just under 300,000 transactions a day. In the long run, demand for blockspace is infinite, held back only by transaction fees. Bitcoin Cash and Segwit have different approaches on how to find the ideal fee equilibrium. 

Bitcoin Cash approach is for an unlimited blocksize allowing for free and low fee transactions. The approach is to allow any amount of on chain scaling now while waiting for other scaling technologies to develop and mature with demand and adoption. It is important to realise that Bitcoin Cash does not exclude second layer solutions.

Segwit on the other hand, caps the blocksize and, aims to push users towards second layer solutions immediately, with the objective of molding the BTC blockchain into a settlement layer. Second layer solutions are not yet ready for deployment and even when deployed, there will be a steep learning and adoption curve to overcome. This approach is "putting the cart before the horse".

Maximising Transactions Fee Revenue

Whether a transaction is on-chain or off-chain, it is a Bitcoin transaction. If that transaction takes place off-chain, then the fee paid to the off-chain processor is fees that would have otherwise gone to the miner. The more off-chain transactions there are, the less the miners would have earned. This is where the short term and long term scenarios of the two chains diverge.

The chain that is more useful will have more transactions, and so provide miners with the most profit. This is important in a system where the coinbase reward will be decreasing over time to be replaced by fee revenue.

Maximisation of miners revenue is key. In the short term while transaction volumes are low, Segwit wins with higher fees, but long term as transaction volume grows 100X or even 1000X the fee advantage moves to Bitcoin Cash.

Summary of Points
  1. "The Bitcoin" is just the chain that the industry selects. It is not "the longest chain" as BCH is the longer chain. It may not even be "the most work done". It will be "The BTC" that trades on the exchanges. 
  2. If Segwit2X hardforks and wins, it will be "The Bitcoin". Core will no longer be the main Github repository. It will be btc1.
  3. Most transactions are single payments. To use Lightning you must first send some Btc to the channel. This must be more expensive and complicated for simple payments eg. coffee.
  4. Micro payments channels will generate huge amounts of transactions but they will not add to miners revenue.
  5. Many projects left or were shelved when transaction fees escalated. How many of these projects will return to build on Bitcoin Cash is still to be seen? Yours was one. Another old favorite Satoshi Dice.
  6. Maximising transaction revenue is key to winning the long game and become "The Bitcoin". On this premise Bitcoin Cash has the advantage in the long run.
  7. Segwit addresses are also confusing to users and even more so for newbies. There are 4 possible Segwit address types.
  8. Segwit supporters cannot understand why miners would mine BCH if it is less profitable. Current profitability calculations is based on price at time of mining. Miners may have a different time frame to base prices. If their thinking is for BCH to replace BTC then future returns would be astronomical. 

Related Articles

Till Death Do Us Part - The Partening - Here

Chain Death Spiral - Watch In Real Time - Here

Will the real Bitcoin Please Stand Up - Here

A Tale Of Two Coins - Here

Bitcoin Cash Will Regain The Mantle To Be Bitcoin - Here

Chain Death Spiral - Here

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Till Death Do Us Part - The Partening

BTC : " Where should I go? What should I do?"
BCH : " Frankly my dear, I don't give a damm "
This big block/small block saga like the story above, started well. So what happened? And as the question begs. Where should BTC go? What can BTC do?

Sadly, for BTC there are no good outcomes. The Chain Death Spiral has set in and it can only have one ending. The BTC chain will come to a grinding halt, because the little hashing that is left, will not be enough to take it past the next difficulty adjustment, if it makes it past the one coming up.

At the very core,(pun intended) the real difference between BCH and BTC is that people embracing BCH believe in the protocol while people embracing BTC believe in the development team. Because the protocol was held hostage by the development team, this current state of affair arose. Never again should we allow, or even make it possible for any faction, not even miners, hold the protocol hostage.

We are now watching the end game play out. The value of BTC is crumbling. The parties holding the price up will soon give up completely. It is futile, When the chain in question is impossible to use, it does not have a value. Already 38.95% of the hashrate have migrated to BCH and they are never going back, despite wishful assurance that they will, arguably to chase better profits. In reality, for a large majority of miners, the bitter experience of the past have been too painful. In addition it also does not make any sense to be mining on both chains.

A miner now earns 83% less, mining on the BTC chain. In addition he wont be able to cash out for at least 2 days and by then the prices could have fallen further. No commercial miner can absorb these losses for long, no matter how strongly he supports the losing chain. His losses are uncapped, unknown and uncontrollable. Contrast this situation to that of the initial early BCH miner. He could allocate and budget for a cash burn until the project succeeds. His losses are capped, known and controllable.

BTC price may never recover. It will slide downwards with decreasing usability, The BTC chain may never be profitable to mine on again. On the other hand the price of BCH will trend upwards with increasing hashrate migration.

The End

Soon, BCH block height will surpass BCT to become the longest chain. By then it may even have the higher amount of hashing power. The BTC chain will just grind to a halt. It may not even see the next difficulty adjustment. The core team can move their agenda to Litecoin. The natural order and balance of the crypto universe will be restored. 

Related Articles

Chain Death Spiral - Watch In Real Time - Here

Will the real Bitcoin Please Stand Up - Here

A Tale Of Two Coins - Here

Bitcoin Cash Will Regain The Mantle To Be Bitcoin - Here

Chain Death Spiral - Here